Barbara Cortat Simoneli
Barbara Cortat Simoneli is a PhD candidate and holds a master’s degree in Education from the Post-Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Kyria Finardi. Her research focuses on the processes of critical internationalization at home, emphasizing the training of teachers and researchers through virtual exchanges. The objective is to understand how these experiences contribute to the construction of a global citizenship for these subjects.
Barbara has extensive experience in international online collaborations, working with educators and researchers from institutions such as Florida Universitària (Spain), Coventry University (England), Gazi University (Turkey), University of Limerick (Ireland), and University of Bern (Switzerland).
Her master’s research, conducted between the second semester of 2021 and the second semester of 2023, explored the critical training of English teachers, grounded in Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy as the main theoretical framework. She holds a degree in English Language and Literature from Ufes, where she was a scholarship student in the extension program Building Citizenship Through Language, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Kyria Finardi.
Her current research interests include interculturality, global citizenship development, the internationalization of higher education, and the critical teaching and learning of the English language.

SIMONELI, Barbara Cortat. A FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES DE LÍNGUA INGLESA A PARTIR DA ÓTICA FREIREANA: AUTORITARISMO, AUTORIDADE E AUTONOMIA. Dissertação de mestrado - Universidade federal do Espírito Santo. Vitória, ES. 172 f. 2023.
SIMONELI, Barbara Cortat; FINARDI, Kyria Rebeca. Habitus and Teacher Education in Higher Education: Reflections of a Supervisor and a Master Student during Teaching Internship. STUDIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING, v. 11, p. p57, 2023.
SIMONELI, B.; FINARDI, K.. Meeting the Other in Literature and ELT through the critical analysis of a short story. Studies in English Language Teaching, v. 8, p. 1-21, 2020.
SIMONELI, B.. REFLEXÕES FREIREANAS SOBRE A EXPERIÊNCIA EM UM PROGRAMA DE INICIAÇÃO À DOCÊNCIA. In: Adriana Cristina Sambugaro de Mattos Brahim; Ana Paula Marques Beato-Canato. (Org.). Pedagogia freireana, educação linguística e linguística aplicada. 1ed.São Paulo: PIMENTA CULTURAL, 2021, p. 1-294.