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Juliana Cristina Salvadori

PhD in Portuguese Language Literatures from the Graduate Program in Letters at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (CNPq Scholarship) and Master in Letters (English and Corresponding Literature) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (CAPES Scholarship). Full Professor at the State University of Bahia, Department of Human Sciences, Campus 4, Jacobina. She teaches undergraduate courses (English Language and Literatures) and in the Graduate Program in Education and Diversity (PPED). Co-leader of "Desleituras: Study, Research and Extension Group in Reading, Translation, and Adaptation," which focuses on reading and writing practices in contemporary times, emphasizing processes, products, and actors of multi and transmodal texts. Co-leader of the Research Group "Diversity, Discourses, and Formation in Basic and Higher Education" (DIFEBA), where she coordinates the Study Group on Inclusive and Special Education (GEEDICE). Her main areas of expertise and interest are teacher training, pedagogical practices, curricular and communicational accessibility, and disability. Published texts can be found at:

SALVADORI, Juliana Cristina. Experiences and (Mis)Readings at the State University of Bahia: Formation, Poiesis, and Teaching in the Twists and Turns of Education. Text Revision: Fernanda Caroline Silva dos Santos. 202. 169 pages. Memorial (Bachelor's Degree in English Language and Literature - DCH4) - Department of Human Sciences, Campus IV, State University of Bahia, Jacobina, 2022.

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Curriculum Vitae:

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