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O projeto Internacionalização e Inovação na Educação Superior: Línguas, Tecnologias e Mobilidades foi contemplado com apoio da Fapes Edital Universal 28/2022


Vigência: Nov. 2022/24 meses


Este projeto visa investigar o papel das línguas, tecnologias e mobilidades (física e virtual) no processo de inovação e internacionalização do ensino superior no contexto de e pós-pandemia COVID19, a partir de evidências colhidas em pelo menos três universidades brasileiras (UFES, UFRGS e UFG) e contrastadas com pelo menos três universidades estrangeiras (Coventry na Inglaterra, Valência na Espanha e Malaya na Malásia) com possibilidades de ampliar para mais três universidades estrangeiras sendo uma na Turquia (Gazi) e duas em Portugal (Aveiro e Evora). A análise do papel das línguas, tecnologias e mobilidades (física e virtual) no processo de inovação e internacionalização das universidades escolhidas tem como fim propor um modelo de internacionalização mais inovador, crítico e sustentável para universidades brasileiras em geral e para a UFES e o ES em particular. A fim de alcançar esse objetivo principal, o projeto usará uma metodologia mista triangulando dados qualitativos e quantitativos das universidades pesquisadas por meio da atuação coordenada dos pesquisadores principais e colaboradores sob a supervisão da proponente.  Como resultado deste projeto e da análise do papel das línguas, tecnologias e mobilidades nas universidades brasileiras e estrangeiras, espera-se elaborar um modelo de internacionalização inclusivo e inovador para a educação superior brasileira, além de fortalecer a parceria internacional entre as instituições e comunidades envolvidas, contribuindo para a formação de recursos humanos, para o desenvolvimento científico e para a inovação do Espírito Santo em particular e do Brasil em geral.


Equipe do projeto

Coordenadora: Kyria Finardi/UFES

Pesquisadores: Simone Sarmento (UFRGS), Gabriel Amorim (UFG), Franciso José Quaresma de Figueiredo (UFG), Marina Orsini-Jones (Universidade de Coventry, UK), Ana Sevilla-Pavón (Universidade de Valência, Espanha), Azirah Hashim (Universidade Malaya, Malásia), Asuman Asik (Universidade de Gazi, Turquia), Susana Pinto (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal), Ana Alexandra Lázaro Vieira da Silva (Universidade de Evora, Portugal), Eduardo Diniz Figueiredo (UFPR), Felipe Guimarães (UFES), Marcelo Kremer Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal).

Alunos de pós graduação UFES:  Ramon Ortiz (PPGAdm), Claudio França (PPGE), Ana Rachel Macedo Mendes (PPGE), Carlos Alberto Hildeblando Junior (PPGE), Roberta Gomes Leão (PPGE), Elisa Prado Có (PPGE), Barbara Cortat Simoneli (PPGE)

Internationalizing Extension and Extending Internationalization

Acknowledgments are due to Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Espírito Santo – Fapes – Call 3/2021 (Fapes Universal) for the period 11/01/21 to 10/ 31/23

Project timeline

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Acknowledgments are due to Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Espírito Santo – Fapes – Call 3/2021 (Fapes Universal) for funding of Project: Internationalizing Extension and Extending Internationalization/Interiorization for the period 11/01/21 to 31/ 10/24.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4.7 challenges the university to integrate education for global citizenship as a way to provide learning opportunities for the development of global, national and local (glonacal) citizenship. The objective of this project is to promote glonacal education in the post-Covid context, using technology to place small and medium-sized companies from Espírito Santo, Brazilian and foreign students, teachers and researchers in interconnected relationships, collaborating in the development of teaching, research, extension, internationalization actions in an integrated way with the communities involved. More specifically, the project aims to integrate actions of teaching, research, extension, internationalization of UFES in the development of a “glonacal” citizenship, acting in the exchange/and transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology at UFES with the internal and external community . With this objective, the project aims to integrate actions of teaching, research, extension, internationalization and internalization of UFES and the University of Valencia (UV) in Spain (linked to YES3D project) with the community around small and medium-sized companies in Espírito Santo Santo in order to assist the process of internationalization of these companies, thus promoting the transfer of knowledge and the internalization of research and university extension to the entire community of the State of Espírito Santo. This project is articulated with the Youth Entrepreneurship for Society project in 3D (YES3D) which investigates the role of three-dimensional virtual reality and simulations in contexts of international virtual exchanges between university students of English for specific purposes of the UV in the context of the Processes of formation of future professionals from the business world and, more specifically, from social entrepreneurship based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by UNESCO and coordinated by Professor Ana Sevilla-Pavón from UV, with the participation of Professor Kyria Finardi, proponent of this proposal. The YES3D project envisions problem-based tele-collaborative learning and simulations of professional environments in virtual worlds, offering a fertile ground to overcome global and physical barriers meeting the needs of students and citizens of the 21st century. This is especially relevant today in the current context of the pandemic and the need for online training given the imposition of social distancing and the need to develop internationalization and internalization of internationalization in the State. In a context where academic mobility was the privilege of less than 2% of Espírito Santo's academic population before it was suspended due to the pandemic, virtual mobility through simulations of professional virtual environments in virtual exchanges in three-dimensional worlds emerges as a powerful tool for internationalize/internalize teaching, research and extension actions. Virtual mobility has been increasingly adopted to replace and complement physical mobility, providing similar potential benefits to those derived from an academic or professional exchange abroad. This project proposes virtual exchanges between academics from UFES and UFES and Espirito Santo communities to solve problems of interpersonal and intercultural communication added to simulations of professional environments and social entrepreneurship in three-dimensional virtual worlds to help the internationalization of university extension as well as the expansion of teaching, research, extension and internationalization actions for the interior of the State of Espírito Santo.

Brazil team meeting 02/25/2022

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Brazil team with Spain 03/15/22


Virtual Reality training "Spatial" 25/03/2022

Professor Finardi met professor Marta Fortes from the University of Limerick Ireland, new VE possibilities for Universal Project team

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Associate Teacher in Spanish at the University of Limerick, coordinating Spanish for Business (Advanced) modules in first, second, third and fourth year. PhD research on teaching Spanish for specific purposes through technology, organising projects and virtual language exchanges with international universities in virtual reality environments. Current projects are focused on developing attitudes and values towards sustainable practices amongst business students. Degree in teaching and MA in Applied Linguistics in the University of Limerick.

Part of the Fapes Universal Project and professor Marta Fortes from University of Limerick meeting 10/06/2022

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Participation in an international event with partial results of the Universal Project 14/06/22

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VE between Fapes Universal team and UV about VR applications on L2

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VE the University of Gazi, Turkey-july 2022

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Lecture on VE with professor Alun DeWinter

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Planning meeting VE UFES/Limerick Irlanda. 14-09-22

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Professor Kyria at QS Americas event

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Universal Project presentations at I3D event in Spain 


I3D event at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia


Company participaiting in the project-check out the video

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Videos about Brazil


Guaraná com Chocolate» a Brazilian-Swiss exchange

  • Intercultural awareness through action

  • International cooperation

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© 2022 Kyria Finardi – All rights reserved.

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