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Reninni Taquini (PPGE-UFES)

I am Reninni, a Ph.D. student in the Postgraduate Program in Education, specializing in Education and Languages. I began my academic journey by studying International Relations at a private university, however, attending a public university has always been a dream. Therefore, I chose English Language and Literature at UFES due to my proficiency in English and my love for different cultures. It's a dream to know that my studies, work, and hobby (traveling) are interconnected through languages and interculturality. I consider the research group an important place to socialize and deepen knowledge with colleagues in the field.

Reninni's Lattes curriculum can be accessed at:

TAQUINI, Reninni. INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO = EMI? EVIDÊNCIAS DO INGLÊS NA UFES. Dissertação de mestrado – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Vitória, ES. 75 f. 2020. 

TAQUINI, Reninni. O papel das línguas no processo de internacionalização do ensino superior brasileiro: evidências e implicações a partir de um estudo de caso de uma universidade federal do Sudeste. Tese de doutorado. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Vitória, ES. 135 f. 2024.

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