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Aqui você encontrará os grupos e núcleos de estudos e associações aos quais estamos relacionados. Para saber mais sobre os grupos acesse as nossas páginas dos grupos clicando na imagem ou no nome do grupo desejado:

Projetos de Extensão
Puesta de sol en el agua

Third Space in the Development of Glonacal Citizenship: an experience of internationalization of extension

Flor de gerbera


Building Citizenship Through Language

Research Projects


Kyria Finardi runs two research projects that are registered at UFES, in which her current and former advisees are linked through the Cnpq research groups and the programs in which those projects are carried out

1) Research project PPGE 8543/2018, start: March 1st 2018(60 months), linked to PPGE and to the Cnpq research group.
Internationalization (Education field), December 8th, 2013

2) Research Project LE, MET, TEC, INT 7439/2016, start: August 1st (96 month) linked to PPGEL and to the Cnpq research group.
INTEC (linguistic field), June 22nd, 2016

EMITI – Educação Multilinguismo Internacionalização Tecnologia Inglês

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© 2022 Kyria Finardi – Todos os direitos reservados.

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